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name: just muttering
location: mtl/khi
bio: ...and now iv been pushed! (I wish something would happen to push me violently in the right direction ... 2005 -2008) [read more]



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It wasnt till after I sliced open my words right t...

listening to the blower's daughter by damien rice....
colour quizing myself
Sinking, feeling Spin me around again And rub my e...
Your score as a human being is 82.05.You are close...
imagining my life is a prettier shade of pink...ma...
vacationing in L.A. !!! eat ur heart out bitches*


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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sawing it open....
Sawing it open was a tedious task, and her arms were starting to tire, and yet she kept going. It was the promise of all that lay inside, which, kept her going. Each slice brought her closer to her dream of finally being able to look inside. Now, she would be able to look as long and as hard as she wanted. No one could stop her. No one could reproach her. She could lose herself exploring each and every inch, nook and cranny of this unknown land. Three more vigorous strokes and just like that its cover rolled off to a side. And there it was, right in front of her eyes. Open. Exposed. Finally! Greedily, she reached inside, the sensation of her fingers melting into its caverns, sending chills down her spine. She pulled it out of its shell and held it close. Caressing its every curve. Savoring its velvety feel. Finally, she gently placed it on the table in front of her and stared at it to her hearts content. She poked at it, prodded it, peered into its corners and when she no longer felt the heat of the afternoon sun beating on her back, she picked the carving knife and brought it down, cutting into its very core. Had she stopped for a moment, she might have heard its screams pierce the thin air, but she didn’t. She kept going, digging in deeper and deeper, as far as she could go. With one hand she wiped off the sweat on her brow and with the other she now reached for the fork. She wasn’t getting what she wanted and she knew she had to go further. Swiftly, she urged in the utensil to force out a wedge and held it up to her face. She eyed it. And then, without looking back at his lifeless body, lying at her feet, or his skull split in two; she opened her mouth and took a bite of that which she had once envied so. She closed her eyes, relishing its sharp taste and consuming texture, and blissfully chewed away.


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